Set in the near future, the tranquil peace enjoyed by mankind shatters with an unforeseen invasion by an unknown enemy called the Lutadore. Armed to the teeth with futuristic gravity-controlling weapons, the Lutadore easily overrun the city's defenses. Unbeknownst to all, mysterious anomalies have surfaced in conjunction with the invasion. Random regions in the city have entered zero gravity or have suffered vector changes, throwing the world into topsy-turvy chaos. Assuming the role of Davis Russel, a hotheaded 28-year-old cop, or Leo Delgado, Davis’ neighbor, players will embark on a journey through the disorienting war-ravaged, gravity twisted streets of their home town and beyond, to find Davis' missing child.
- Operating System Windows XP (SP3) / Vista / 7
- Processor Intel Core2 Duo / AMD Athlon 64 X2 2 GHz or higher;
- 2 GB of RAM – Graphics Card ATI Radeon 2900 XT / NVIDIA GeForce 8800 with 512MB of video memory
- 6 GB free hard disk space; – Sound Card DirectX 9.0c compatible;
- DirectX 9.0c or higher
- Device for reading DVD ;
- Keyboard and mouse.
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